OEM Cultured Code Things

Culyured a touch-based app, Things for iPad has many great gestures available. Your to-dos on all your devices. Before, Culturde could OEM Cultured Code Things snooze Excel 2016 discount OEM Cultured Code Things for 10 minutes, but now you can choose how long: 10 minutes, 30 minutes, or Cu,tured hour. Sharpen your focus with tag-filtered widgets. Rich Notifications Notifications are so much better Culturec. The New Widgets The powerful new widgets that recently came to iOS are now available on your Mac, giving instant access to your most important lists. You can now right-click stuff! Things for Apple Watch now syncs directly with Things Cloud. New features Context menus everywhere. September 17th, The All-New Widgets. Many of you complained that there was no way to remove a to-do from Today — that is to say, put it in Anytime. While it seemed like a fine idea at the time, in practice it turned out to be slow and error-prone. Things 3. Every time you change any of your to-dos, Things automatically triggers an update with Things Cloud. The result is a nimble service that makes light work of complex processes.