OEM Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11

We found Vegas could cope with Dolby Digital 5. Cons: Will OEM Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 install on my Desktop. Cart Subtotal OEM Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11 Item. Even though MVS is generally resource efficient, if you have two or three HD streams going at once it can slow down, making one do many preview renders to better get the feel of the action going on. VMS doesn't set out to treat you like a kid or True Image 2018 mac grandma, and yet the ease of routine editing tasks belies the true power you have at your fingertips. Meanwhile I have a new burner I cannot use because I have no authoring software. Powerful tools for stereoscopic 3D, video compositing, color correction, and surround sound mixing help you get feature-film results in your home studio. Pros: Probably many, too bad I will never find out Neither will anyone I talk to about it You can also burn your projects to 3D Blu-ray. Up until now, though, all you could do with 3D footage you shot yourself was preview it, maybe trim the clips, and then play it back. Now that I actually have this purchased product - rather than the demo version download at sony. You can also output 3D to an external device, including a secondary monitor or stereoscopic display hardware. No big complaints otherwise. Just real disappointed in Sony is all! Has been referred to Sony's Development team to try to figure out. Trusted Score. Eric J.OEM Vegas Movie Studio HD Platinum 11