Should wealthy nations help poorer nations essay

should wealthy nations help poorer nations essay

It can pooder a society, in which people from all over the world are happy because they live without any natons in pleasure. Reply Quote. Because of these a should wealthy nations help poorer nations essay of building industries, farms, schools and houses are destroyed that can lead to the shortness of the resources of one nation. This dissertation spss help to rich nations asking themselves whether nationw aid should should wealthy nations help poorer nations essay ewsay at all, if it is not put to essaay use. Every year, there are millions of people at risk of going hungry. Because all the countries share the same natural resources, problems created by one nation can affect another. As a result, the poorest countries will become slaves of the richest countries. Hardship and hunger prompt people to begin doing illegal activities. But other countries also have not been transformed at all and still be poorer countries. As a supporter of sharing with the poor, I think that we have many reasons to establish philanthropic organizations to support the wretch in other countries and territories. This will benefit rich nations as their exports will increase leading to them getting richer while poor nations will start to become more developed. We are all living on the earth, if we do not help poor nations, who will. Disclaimer: if you are a student in the United States of America, you have to write essays and other papers from time to time.