Primary homework help roman mosaics

Britain was part of primary homework help roman mosaics Roman Empire for amost primary homework help roman mosaicsso a lot of the things that Romans did stuck with us and influenced modern life. There were three main groups of people in Rome called orders — the plebeians plebsequestrians and patricians. See our Homework help secondary school Policy for information. Primary homework help roman mosaics was eaten for dinner varied among classes. While nobody speaks Latin anymore, lots of languages we speak today are at least partly based on Latin words — even English! What did the Romans give us? The average bath housewould have mirrors covering the walls, ceilings were buried in glass and the pools were lined with rich marble and complicated mosaics covered the floors. Pliny lived during the eruption of Mount Vesuvius, which killed his uncle, Pliny the Elder. You can still see some Roman aqueducts around today. There were over 5, soldiers in a legion. Spoons were used for soup. Then you would relax in the warm room called the Tepidarium. How long did the Romans stay in Britain? You may not redistribute, sell or place the content of this page on any other website or blog without written permission from the author Mandy Barrow.