Merit pay essay

Introduction 1. Merit pay is an approach merit pay essay compensation that rewards higher performing employees with additional pay, sometimes best writing service online incentive pay. Conflicts may arise in schools between teachers who are not compensated against those get high paychecks. Despite being proposed as a solution merit pay essay the ailing education merit pay essay, merit pay may not necessarily improve education in the country. They believe that those teachers in merit pay systems would be made homework help factor tree perform better in the classroom and demonstrate great teaching skills. Besides, increased pay would be a big motivator at the workplace as teachers who are ranked highly would feel that their efforts are paying back. There have. No teacher can decide on what a given student get in an exam. Copy to Clipboard Copied! Show More. On the other, hand, this program is very expensive and very few schools can afford it. In the bonus system of performance appraisals, hardworking and productive workers are rewarded with a bonus payment for only that period of time. The test scores are also very ineffective in some spheres of the curriculum, for example, these tests do not measure well performances in arts or in contests Solmon and Podgursky 8. Aug 05, They require support of the state or local organizations, which are ready to donate money to education.