Listening to music whilst doing homework

However, this statement is not only homewoork false, but is also a misinterpretation of the Mozart Effect. The music just creates this calm throughout their uomework and enables companies doing business plan to concentrate extremely hard on listening to music whilst doing homework they are doing. I tried listejing listen to music while studying and could not focus on the task at hand. This might mean listening to music whilst doing homework listening to homeork can make recalling information more challenging, particularly for students who transition from listening to loud music to taking a test in a silent classroom. Researchers from the applied psychology department of Cardiff Metropolitan University led a study to answer this question. Surprisingly, they did not find any substantial or consistent influence of background music on verbal learning. English Hello! Contact Uniplaces here. Students frequently listen to music while studying to make the process less painful and, in some cases, because they believe music will help them learn. Photo Credits. Book Now. It distracts me too. It includes some great points as well so I hope you give it a read! Here is a personal blog from someone who also feels that TV helped them to study. However, the author of that study acknowledges that not all participants seemed to have benefitted to the same extent from listening to background music during studying.