Is it better to listen to music while doing homework

This study shows that I should not be so quick to judge other students and how they study because maybe they find it beneficial. Threads collapsed expanded unthreaded. Featured on. The music agitates rather than focuses the studier, is it better to listen to music while doing homework researcher Glenn Schellenberg likened it to trying to learn while riding a roller coaster. Is it better to listen to music while doing homework Students Schools Exams Higher education blogposts. Music With Lyrics Music with lyrics activates the math homework help ilc centers of the brain, and students create homework help website University service delivery dissertation Phoenix advises that this can be distracting. This fact was confirmed by the University of Phoenix where researchers have proved that lyrics activates language-processing centers of the brain and that results in a lack of concentration and difficulties to recall the memorized information. This conflicts with the material you are trying to learn, effectively creating a bottleneck in your memory, as there is less space to process what you are revising. My only question would be could this depend on the topic that I was studying? The authors, Nick Perham and Harriet Currie, assigned students into one of four groups: the first revised in silence, the second revised while listening to music with lyrics they liked which included songs from One Direction and Katy Perrythe third group revised to music with lyrics they did not like which comprised of very heavy metal bandsand the fourth group revised listening to music without lyrics. I actually have found that rap may have a negative effect while studying but listening to old artists like ludwig van beethoven keeps me extremely focused on the task at hand. Teaching Strategies for Different Learning Styles. A Bulgarian psychologist employed the method of playing Baroque era music, which plays at a tempo of 60 beats per minute, to help students learn foreign languages. People recall information more effectively when they're doing so in the same environment in which they initially learned it, according to the textbook "Educational Psychology. Most popular. But not all music is bad for all students.