Homework help from the library in person and online

American Indian Experience Articles on the Native tribes of North America as well as primary sources, including treaties, speeches, traditional tales, homework help from the library in person and online, and images. Publication Year:. History Primary sources, secondary sources, metaphor homework help full-text journal articles covering all areas of U. PebbleGo Next: States and American Indian Studies Articles about states and Native American history and studies, with read-aloud audio and questions to inspire critical thinking. Books and eBooks. Item Number:. From planning a customized homework-help agenda to demonstrating how to help students successfully use their technological savvy in ways not necessarily possible at home, this book presents a no-nonsense, comprehensive approach to giving students the assistance they need. Contact information USA: Toll-free:. A, C, E, G. During the school year, we offer programs and services to help students of all ages succeed in school.