Florence nightingale homework help

florence nightingale homework help

They set up a kitchen, fed nihhtingale wounded from their own supplies, florencee latrines for sanitation, and florence nightingale homework help for help from the wives of the wounded. Malaria causes a very high fever. As a young adult, Nightingale felt called to be nughtingale nurse. Help with business plan wales grew up in Englandwhere she had a comfortable life with her wealthy parents. Florence was born in Florence and her sister Parthenope was born in Naples the original Greek settlement was called Parthenopolis. In she formed the Nightingale School for Nurses. She was born in Florence, Italy, which is how she got her name! Translate this page. Her work earned her the honor of being the first woman to receive the Order of Merit. Florence helped to treat wounded soldiers during the Crimean War, and made sure the hospital was clean.