Equal pay for equal work essay

equal pay for equal work essay

Have you ever felt you were discriminated against because of your gender? Homework help grade 5 rate of reduction in this gender pay equal pay for equal work essay has also slowed, as […]. This means that the research work is most likely to be limited, in terms of the depth of information, received for analysis purposes. Opponents of pay equity base their criticism on economic wkrk stating that the labor market establishes an employee's worth. Studies done in. It is wor, by those concerned with this equal pay for equal work essay throughout the world that anti-discrimination and equal opportunity buy college admissions essay relying on equsl successful legal action of individuals seeking redress cannot address systemic problems due to the undervaluation of feminized work. Over the past decade, under-recognition of jobs and skills attributed to women, their lower human capital attributes and a historical concentration in a culturally-confined range of jobs combined with direct discrimination has produced continuing inequities in pay. The Equal Pay Act part of the Fair Labor Standards Actforbids employers to compensate women differently for jobs that are "substantially equal ", that is, almost identical. Under the act employers are not allowed to discriminate against women on the basis of their gender. Some argue that physical differences lead men and women to behave in different ways. The concept of equal pay for equal work has philosophical roots in the doctrine of equality, where all Americans are considered to be equal under the law and entitled to equal rights. This idea plays an imperative role to display how women are constantly being viewed as a minority group and seen as inferior to men, despite their greater success. Show More. A male employee can get paid higher than a female employee by a seniority system, a merit system, a system whereby earnings are based upon the quantity and quality of production by the