Does homework help students learning

does homework help students learning

Endowments Three New Professorships Homewor. They also looked at how much homework was assigned does homework help students learning the teacher as well as at how much time sturents spent on their homework. Commenters chicago homework help the piece, both parents and students, tended to agree. When Cooper and his associates looked at recent studies in which the time spent on homework was reported by students, hdlp then compared them with studies in which that estimate was provided by help write a thesis statement for me parents, the results were quite different. In Cooper et al. Does homework help students learning and paste pay for dissertation help URL below to share this page. The studies claiming that homework helps are based on the assumption that we can accurately measure the number and length of assignments. The second phenomenon that standardized tests measure is how skillful a particular group of students is at taking standardized tests — and, increasingly, how much class time has been given over to preparing them to do just that. In my experience, teachers can almost always identify several students who do poorly on standardized tests even though, by more authentic and meaningful indicators, they are extremely talented thinkers. Not all home environments are conducive to at-home learning. The inquiry report does highlight research Cooper, showing that students are more likely to complete homework if they know teachers are keeping track of their progress and giving feedback on errors and areas for improvement. Fourth graders who did no homework got roughly the same score as those who did 30 minutes a night. If we greatly reduce or eliminate homework in elementary school, we deprive kids and parents of opportunities to instill these important learning habits and skills. Nevertheless, Cooper criticizes studies that use only one of these measures and argues in favor of those, like his own, that make use of both see Cooper et al. Related Stories. Cooperp.