Chegg homework help phone number

chegg homework help phone number

The solution I got was very poorly written. Search our library of over 26 million fully solved homework questions. Predatory company for people who want chegg homework help phone number cheat, not phohe those phonr need help Chegg is an obviously predatory helpp. View video walkthroughs for thousands of numbrr. This company claims to care about… This space order expository essay claims to care about education and their chegg homework help phone number, but failed to secure their data and it was all stolen in cyegg data breach. Chegg homework help phone number will not use them again. How are students supposed to learn if they can just post their questions on a website and pay for the solutions? I really like having this as a way to check the process of my work. The best option is for students to hit them where it hurts--their bottom line--and walk away from them and any of their subsidiaries. Our average response time is 46 mins. I know customer service agents have no overt power, but I still hold them accountable for running the company line and participating in such an unethical business process. It gets very real when you have to decide if you want to eat or get homework help. The writing tutors are not native speakers and their corrections were like, meh. I will never use chegg again :. But the second cannot be blamed on Fedex. I've worked in the industry and there are ways to resist such practices, maintain integrity, and perform actual customer service.