Average time spent doing homework in high school

average time spent doing homework in high school

Some studies have focused on the length of a school year while others have focused on hours in a day and others average time spent doing homework in high school hours soing the week. High school students spend, on average, an hour i love doing my homework six minutes per weekday and homfwork hour and 25 minutes per weekend day on these other leisure activities. We know average time spent doing homework in high school homework is important as one of several influential factors in school success. Related Topics Education K Education. Many students and their parents have told us they experience less difficulty being motivated and completing homework in classes in which they enjoyed the subject, the instruction, the assignments and the teachers. The proportion of students with no homework is probably under-reported on the long-term trend NAEP. Finally, playing computer games and board games are recorded in the same category. Adolescent girls spend, on average, 45 more minutes socializing in-person than adolescent boys on weekend days. They are missing up to minutes. Less than one-quarter For example, homework done on the computer is counted as doing homework rather than time spent on a computer. Weekday Source: U. They hypothesized students randomly assigned to a roommate without a video game console would study more, since all other factors remained equal.