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Main Menu. As a final touch to this image, we added two additional Adjustment Layers without a selection mask, so Buy Sony Sound Forge 11 key they would effect the entire image : a Vibrance layer to slightly boost the saturation of Where to buy ACDSee Photo Studio Ultimate 2019 colors; and a second Exposure adjustment to boost the contrast of the image overall. Figure 2. To access the Develop Brush tool, click the brush icon outlined in red above. The tool instantly selects the brightest areas of the image. After increasing the contrast of yellow and orange tones to enhance definition of those areas. Figure Figure 5. After adding two more global Adjustment Layers to increase Vibrance and Contast. The features illustrated above are just of few of the great new features in the latest version of Photo Studio Ultimate. Reconsidering this once-indispensable We used the selection created by Luminosity Selection to create a new Exposure Adjustment Layer to bring down the highlights a bit. Photographing A Scientific Expedition For the photo adventure of a lifetime, use your skills to help document a scientific expedition. Login to your acdID account to view exclusive upgrade pricing. Photo Studio Ultimate expands the available adjustments, which include Exposure, Saturation, Vibrance, Contrast and more. Figure 7. Drones For Photography For access to the unique perspectives that come with altitude, these affordable drones for photography are hitting new heights. Figure 3 below shows the final image after using the brush on the entire sky and lighter areas of the background.