Sony Sound Forge 2 MAC mac
Features Focused editing Finally on the Mac, an audio editing application designed exclusively for OS X with a workflow that can keep up with your creative flow. This being the case, it was perhaps not Sony Sound Forge 2 MAC mac that it lacked a couple of features one might have expected to see, but version 2 seeks to remedy that. The MS Office Home and Business 2019 buy key of a Sony Sound Forge 2 MAC mac compressor and a volume maximizer make Wave Hammer the perfect audio mastering tool. This has been remedied with the addition of Convrt, a separate application into which you can drop as many files as you like and make settings for how they are processed. Use the Compressor to add punch to your audio, or crank it up to create analog-like distortion. Convert the sample rate of an existing sound file accurately using the included iZotope bit SRC sample rate converter plug-in. Precise Editing. Achieve formant-preserving pitch shifting that avoids the well-known pitfalls that may occur when pitching up or down. Set everything up, check your levels and click record. Multiple documents can be opened via a tab system and you can record directly in, too, in high quality. Shop Products For Business.