MS Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise license
Ask for help in the Exchange forums. Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they helped. This article below is detail information about how to change Exchange license, you can change to Ecxhange ECP, you MS Exchange Server 2016 Enterprise license also change it with "Set-ExchangeServer" command. Users with Kiosk mailboxes are protected by the same uptime SLA and geo-redundancy protection as other Exchange Online mailboxes. If you want to enter a product key on an older version of Exchange, check out Enter an Exchange product key. You can't have mailboxes, but it at least covers the licensing until you migrate off it completely at least, so Microsoft audit might not complain if they do one as long as you have licenses for Office side. Remove From My Forums. RbA-Nik This person is a verified professional. Enter your Exchange Server product key. Exchange licensing FAQs.