Microsoft Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise license

For more information about Discovery Search Mailboxes, see create a Discovery Mailbox to store search results. The subscription provides 2 GB of mailbox space per user and Microsoft Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise license access through Outlook on the Cheapest Solidworks 2012 Premium. Shared Microsoft Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise license do not include a personal archive or legal hold capabilities. When it is time to renew your Enterprise Agreementyou will have the opportunity to make adjustments to ensure that your new agreement is aligned with your current and future needs. Respond to the rapidly changing technological landscape by accessing the latest versions of cloud and on-premises software. An Exchange Server device or user CAL is required for each device or user accessing or using the server software. Read an overview of Enterprise Agreement and get links to resources for additional information. If you require a shared mailbox that is larger than 50GB, an Exchange Online Plan 2 license will need to be assigned to it. The actual upgrade does not have to take place within those two years. Is this page helpful?

Video Microsoft Exchange Server 2017 Enterprise license

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