Improved Host Overview with faster preview generation and direct access to more functions Scrappad data is preserved during application runs. If this is not the case and you activate this checkbox, you will be asked whether the name of your host should be changed accordingly. Now you have a huge selection of Dyn-DNS service providers, many of which are free of charge. Read more
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Snapshots You can save any state for each of your hosts - the root directory including the associated database is saved. Read more
Develop complex websites or WordPress themes once MAMP Pro 4 mac use them as a blueprint for MAMP Pro 4 mac many sites as you want. Display of the badges on the dock icon can Buy OEM InDesign CS6 be turned off. You want to keep your boss or a colleague up to date? When you create a virtual host, all you need to do is select the desired extra and everything will be installed automatically. Fixed a bug when selecting a document root under Fixed a library bug that prevented Joomla from installing. Updating all your installations to version 5. Changed favicon. Added component: PHP 7. Automatically created snapshots now have "[auto]" in their name. Apache version updated. This is useful, for example, if you want to check if your projects are running under a certain PHP version.