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Additionally, you can edit in Chief Architect Premier X8 buy key 2D and 3D thanks to seamless Buy Photoshop Elements 9 integration. Sign in to Renew. Chief Architect Premier Our top rated home design software for Archltect. Layers control Chief Architect Premier X8 buy key displays for each of the drawing pages to help create professional detailed construction drawings. See our Samples Gallery. See order form jey pricing details. Chhief of the greatest benefits of the Chief Architect Premier software is that you can draw walls or other objects and the program will generate a 3D model of the drawing automatically. Chief Architect Premier software is the ultimate design tool for home interiors. Decking tools include automatic and manual deck framing; customize deck planking and materials. Professionals who need to support their home design projects with BIM software will find that this software offers utility like nothing else on the market. Quickly manipulate objects with multiple copy, align, reflect and replicate at specific intervals. Buy cheap CAD software. Chief Architect Premier can even generate a materials list for your designs, helping you manage your budget more efficiently.