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Mac : v3. Sitemap Contact Press Legal. Subscriptions are managed through your Omni account. Buy Now. Perspectives Perspectives now hang Grup in tabs Omin the Cheap Omni Group OmniFocus 2 Pro edge of the Onni. Get a Cheap Omni Group OmniFocus 2 Pro when it's time Buy Autodesk Inventor 2017 64 bit switch priorities Your browser does not support the video tag. Inspectors are now embedded in the window, so you can keep all the details together, especially in full screen. Leverage the sharing menu to make adding items from any app simple. A guided first launch experience to help you get off on the right synced foot. OmniFocus makes it simple to capture tasks from anywhere. Brand new features Today Extension for Yosemite. Completed and Changed perspectives offer a historical view of your data. Custom Perspectives adapt to fit your workflow—no matter how complex it is.