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I also encountered several text rendering and placement problems in wiith Info tab after recording some audio. Bitoin you can now view the Media Browser as a separate floating palette as Buy Toast 11 Titanium with bitcoin or integrated into the main UI. The new UI wlth it bitccoin to choose a category, incorporates Cheapest Imagineer Systems mocha Pro v3.1 Media Browser, and adds useful burning settings to the main window. And instead of being smashed into one corner of the UI, the categories are displayed as tabs that run across the width of the content window. I took plus-year-old footage from a 16mm-to-DVD transfer showing my mother and aunt as children with their parents my grandparents and selected several section to export to iPhone format as individual clips. And there are other small but useful changes. Cons Spin Doctor somewhat buggy Provides rudimentary tools for editing video destined for the Web. Toast 11's new clip extraction window. Read our affiliate link policy for more details. In recent years, Toast has expanded beyond that role into media conversion and extraction. When I clicked the Identify button a second time, it found all the metadata and added it correctly. With Toast 11, that pain is a thing of the past.