Cheap Nuance OmniPage Professional 17
Cons Premium price. In testing this OminPage, however, we found it best to add an extra proofreading step to the default macro before sending any Kindle-readable documents, to ensure that your Nuuance reading is Cheap Nuance OmniPage Professional 17 Buy OEM Acrobat Standard DC. Among the new features we found most Profeswional Cheap Nuance OmniPage Professional 17 new Windows Explorer-style window called Easy Loader that Nuabce loading multiple files into OmniPage for OCR conversion; improved OCR support for Microsoft Cheap Nuance OmniPage Professional 17 via toolbars that now appear on separate Nuance OCR tabs within Word, Excel, and PowerPoint; and enhanced support for digital camera images of 2 megapixels Cheap Nuance OmniPage Professional 17 above including iPhone and Chewp phone Nuane that involves automatically compensating Prpfessional skewed text and distorted lines. Sign up here. According to Nuance, OmniPage Pro 17 is both faster and more accurate than version 16, but since the previous version we tested already had a very high accuracy rate, we didn't notice any dramatically different error rates when converting some of the same test documents. The OCR process was nearly impeccable, with just a few occasional typos, which we easily fixed using Omnipage Pro 17's built-in proofreading and text editing tools. Share this review: Twitter Facebook. Nuance's OmniPage Professional 17 offers a variety of subtle but impressive enhancements over the previous version of this powerful, optical character recognition application. Although it doesn't look much different than version 16, this latest OmniPage Pro upgrade offers several noteworthy improvements. In testing this feature, however, I found it best to add an extra proofreading step to the default macro before sending any Kindle-readable documents, to ensure that your e-book reading is typo free. Expert Rating. Pros Accurate performance, Rich feature set, broad file support. Would you buy this? And while OmniPage Pro 17 is clearly intended for workgroups, network users, and other office environments, Nuance also sells a standard less advanced version, which may be a better fit for individuals and small-business users. Cons Premium price. Richard Jantz. View our privacy policy before signing up.