Buy Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9

View our privacy policy before signing up. It also offers the tools to experiment with synching video and soundtracks, making controlling playback precisely whilst Buy Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9 the results in Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio Buy Sony Sound Forge Audio Studio 9. Do you prefer the Explorer media library on the bottom or top of the screen or simply as an independent window? Select from a collection of creative effects including delay, chorus and flanger and control effect levels using a slider. The Show Me How button is quickly accessible from the main toolbar, which enables you to choose your tutorial topic and follow the pointers and guides. The Instant Action window lets you access tasks and projects quickly and easily. Trust the professionals. Is it easier for you to edit the track when it's maximized, or do you want to nestle it down below other open audio tracks? This is where you'll find the latest news and blog articles, as well as tons of audio production tips and tricks. You can even customize the various toolbars with more than 50 different functions. Sign up to gain exclusive access to email subscriptions, event invitations, competitions, giveaways, and much more. Review Sections Review Specs. Learn more. Discussion threads can be closed at any time at our discretion. Windows context menu for easy task assignment New!