Buy ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition mac
Overview Features When to use. I consent to the transfer and Buy Microsoft SQL Server 2008 R2 Enterprise 64 bit of my personal data. When to use ABBYY FineReader Pro for Mac offers a single, comprehensive solution for a wide variety of tasks: it is an ideal for everyone who scans Buy ABBYY FineReader 10 Professional Edition mac converts digital copies of paper documents or PDFs, and for those who need to correct or reuse information from documents, create searchable archives or e-books. Speed is remarkably good, and the program seems free from bugs. Get to Know Us. With FineReader 15, editing PDFs of any kind, including scanned documents, has become almost as easy as with a text editor. Convert, edit, share, and collaborate on PDFs and scans in the digital workplace. Most importantly, its text recognition is excellent. See all reviews from the United States. PDF to Word is excellent - staggering sometimes when you see the input quality.