Apple iWork 09 mac

IWofk an experienced user of both Apple iWork 09 mac, I find that I can create a document Apple faster App,e the iWork suite than using Microsoft Office. I Buy Autodesk Smoke 2015 mac os Endnote does as well, but haven't tried it. If you really need to work, Apple iWork 09 mac, it's no longer the best choice. There Apple iWork 09 mac many tricks that I used all the time to make work easy that I can't do in the new version. Use iWork '09 if you can get it. If you look at the lists of features they removed, it is hard to call this upgrade an improvement. However, you cannot switch between "layout" and "word processing" modes on the fly. Pages is a gazelle, Word is an elephant. At face value it looks OK. There is a little bit of a learning curve for those used to Microsoft Word, OpenOffice. Lesson learned: Save all open documents before closing any of them. Spam: Advertisements or commercial links. And iWork is compatible with Microsoft Office, so sharing your work is even easier.

Video Apple iWork 09 mac

iWork in MacBook Pro